Hello there! I have over 3 yrs as a notary signing agent, have closed well over 7,000 signings. I work mostly with title companies directly and spend almost every Friday at title and close 8-12 closings back to back.
I also realize that understanding the docs is only about 1/3 of our job as closers. We also need to know that:
We are the last set of eyes for the transaction so we should be verifying name spellings, loan amount, address and date of docs. We have to be knowledgable about printing docs at the correct size with no cut off pages. We need to be sure to have signing completed with correct color ink We need to understand how the signer needs to sign - POA, Trust, Member etc... We need verify signers have valid and correct IDWe need to be aware of any funding conditions and getting those taken care of first. We need to know if signers are coming to the table owing funds or if they are receiving funds and make sure we have Wiring or Funding instructions. If copies for signers are required, we need to make sure to provide them, as well as any agents that may need copies. If buyer/seller/investment property, we need to be aware of our time constraints and make sure if we are scanning docs back immediately after the signing. We need to understand the urgency and timing of our signings/scanning/shipping to ensure funding happens on time. Last, I think one of the most important things about our job is communication, it can make or break a relationship! I am all about good communication, and if I can help in any way, please let me know!